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Pixel Stamps



PixelStamps is a collection of stamps pixelated by the pixel artists of the world. Stamp price represents popularity of the stamp.

Last update: 30.10.15
Stamps collected: 153



14.05.07 Together with PixelJoint we are starting a new pixel stamps collection - food stamps. Make sure you read the challenge rules here.

26.09.06 The project was featured on Russian TV channel "Culture". Download the video (4Mb).

28.07.06 New theme for the pixel stamps is fantasy.

18.07.06 FAQ page created.

Join us

Join us by creating your own pixel stamp. Click here to read the rules and download the stamp template.



What is the stamp price and how does it count?

Stamp price represents popularity of your stamp. Every unique click on the stamp counts. The price of any stamp is based on the simple formula:

stamp price = clicks on the stamp * 99 / clicks on stamp with maximum clicks

As you may notice, maximum stamp price is 99 and that is the stamp with maximum clicks.


What are featured stamps?

Featured stamps page was created to show up the best pixel stamps from the different collections (characters, sports etc.) on one page.


How to determine coordinates for my pixel stamp?

Using MS Paint place the cursor to the top left pixel of the planned stamp price. The program will show up the coordinates.

Determining coordinates in MS Paint


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  faq on pixelstamps alexey garkushin